Junian Network

Tech and Software Engineering

How to Run Safari Browser without CORS Restriction

A simple guide on how to start a Safari browser instance with CORS disabled

Fizz Buzz | LeetCode in C#

How I solved LeetCode's Fizz Buzz problem in C#

Palindrome Number | LeetCode in C#

How I solved palindrome number checker without string conversion

Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array | LeetCode in C#

Here's how I solved remove duplicates from sorted array LeetCode problem

Two Sum | LeetCode in C# | Hash Table Solution

Another solution for Two Sum problem on LeetCode by utilizing Hash Table for faster process

Two Sum | LeetCode in C# | Brute force approach

How I solved the Two Sum problem with brute force in C#

How to Run Microsoft Edge without CORS Restriction

A simple guide on how to start a Microsoft Edge web browser with CORS disabled for development and testing

Removing Full-Screen Intent Permission from Flutter Android

How to remove USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT permission so you can submit Flutter Android to Google Play Store

Xcode Command Line Tools Installation FAQ

How to install, update, and uninstall Xcode command line tools on macOS

How to Ensure Rosetta 2 is Installed on macOS

An easy tutorial on how to ensure Rosetta 2 is installed on your Apple Silicon Mac to run Intel-based applications

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